Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Fine dining

I just went dining at Kingsley Steakhouse at Bridge St (forgot the name, i will find out soon) with my current work colleagues. It was to welcome me to the team (How nice!), and to celebrate a colleague's coming marriage.

The food was very good. It has been a while that I have eaten so much.

- Sliced bread with butter.
I know this sounds normal, but the special thing is the bread came out fresh and warm! Mmmmm ...

- Salt & pepper calamari (french style!, not chinese style)
- Deep friend camembert cheese with jam (naughty but delicious)
- Kilpatrick Oysters -> semi-cooked oysters with bacon topping (double trouble!)

- Medium-cooked Angus rib-eye steak served with french fries, green vegetables, garlic mushrooms and worcestershire. It was very good, nicely cooked.

One of us had a really big steak, I can't recall the name of the cut now. It was huge, I think it has to be about 400 - 500g of meat there! But it wasn't the largest cut there though. If you are a big-eater, 1kg steak is available in the menu. Whoa! I went for quality instead of quantity. :-)

- Warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.

By the time we had our main, all of us were really full, but we pushed for dessert (he he he, company's paying ;-P), but it was a total satisfaction when it came out. It took about 15 mins wait, but it was worth it. It was pretty small serving, but it was really nice, crunchy crust on the outside, oozing chocolate sauce in the middle and soft in between.

Mmmmmmmmmmm... so yummy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A recollection

I quit my job last week and I am taking a week off in between jobs. Next week I am going to start working at a bank in Sydney.

My old workplace is quite different to the other two companies I have worked for. It is a smaller company so things could happen quite unexpectantly. My first day on the job for example - I arrived at 8.30am sharp at the reception area. I was hoping for someone to greet me there. Well, it didn't quite work out as planned. There wasn't anyone in the reception area! It was quite funny thinking about it, I actually thought that my watch must be broken and I arrived at the wrong time. I waited for a while and a white-haired lady came out, walked behind the reception counter. I told her this is my first day and I asked for my manager. He he he, but it's not a happy ending yet!

The receptionist told me she does not work for the company I am working at! What the!? I later found out that my company doesn't have a receptionist, she is working for the other company that shares floor with mine. Ah! Luckily, she was kind enough to try to look for someone in the company ... then she returned to break the news that there wasn't anyone in yet! Whoa!

At the same time though, two ladies walked out from the elevator. One of them was the support team leader, and the other one was a new starter as well. Yay! Finally, someone!

After disastrous first day, I was thrown to maintain a particular subsystem. I didn't quite enjoy the work I was thrown into. I wouldn't elaborate further, but in short, it was very bland. But despite this, I still say that it is quite a fun company to work for. It has quite a bit of perks if you like to drink alcohol. It is part of Australian culture really to have a bit of drink on Friday night. Unfortunately for me, my asian body couldn't handle it. Beleive it or not, one bottle - that's all it takes to get me half-drunk.

My colleagues were also a bunch of fun people to work with! To me, it is very important to work with people I enjoy being with. The great thing is most of us are of the same age, share similar backgrounds, so we really gel-ed, hang out together, and made practical jokes with each other almost every day. Lol. Ah! it makes me rather sad to leave all of them. But it is comforting to know that I made long-lasting friendship with my colleagues.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

La Verna

When I first arrived at Melbourne back in winter 1997, I had representatives from an international student placement agency to pick me and others from Tullamarine airport. They were husband and wife who have apparently found homestays for us. They drove me and two other students (Joes & Nat) to the arranged homestay accomodation in Kew. We arrived at a homestay for Joes & Nat. The homestay looks like a normal house, nice and the host looks friendly. Apparently I would not be staying there, as the place was full.

My homestay is actually at another side of Kew. As we were driving along a really nice and green street, the car suddenly turn left into a gate entrance and huge driveway. I was excited, and I looked at the front window. I saw a huge house.

It was HUGE. MASSIVE. A mansion! What the!?

Mansion! It sounds nice, but I was really scared when I saw it. The wall was made from stone, it was greyish-colored, cold-looking. The garden was massive. It was a big estate, and there were only 3 of us standing there. It was a shock, very different to where I used to live, with plenty of hustle bustle of a big city. At the time, I couldn't help but thinking that I was taken to a place where vampires live and I will be their juicy fat victim. Why the heck did Joes & Nat got a normal, 'homey' place, and I got this count dracula castle?????

When I entered, I saw a 30-ish woman, blondish hair, who smiled widely. Her name is Karen, and she was the host of the place. She was very friendly. The interior walls are painted with warmer white color. Thank God its not grey! I forgot my fear very quickly.

I found out later that she rented part of the place to run her business in international student accomodation. There were approximately 5/6 rooms altogether, with about 10 students. The other part of the place was occupied by some kind of church organization. I had a very nice experience staying there, and made a lot of friends from different background, Johanes, Merry, Lea whom I am still in touch with every now and then.

A mansion typically has a name. It was called 'La Verna', built 1888. I recently googled the place up to find some photos, and to my suprise, the property has actually been sold back in 2004, and the property was sub-divided into 11 lots. The huge garden was bulldozed, and new modern houses were built.

The garden was massive and neatly landscaped, most of it are sadly gone now.

Below are a few recent pictures (2004) I found of La Verna:

View from newly built house on the divided lot:

New houses built on the divided lots:

and below, you can see the extent of the now-bulldozed-garden, la verna is the gray building at the far end:


I moved closer to the city after 8 months, and about 2/3 years later, Karen decided to close her business. I think the stress of dealing with students got to her. :-)

La Verna... ah such great memories.

Apparently it is now occupied by a psychologist. Jeez, google finds everything!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Crazy John

I always admire modesty, even more so in a person of great achievements. I have just read a magazine featuring John Ilhan. He is an Australian businessman, the founder of mobile phone dealer 'Crazy John'.

He came to Australia as an immigrant, started a store in Brunswick - a working class suburb in Melbourne with just $1,000 back in 1991. Today, 120-store network is his empire.

It is an achievement that one would easily admire. And I am even more 'wowed' by his comments in the article:

Ilhan says he has never lost sight of his roots. "I am embarassed about my wealth", he says. "I don't think people should be valued because of his wealth - it should be by what sort of person they are. I'd rather talk to Mother Teresa, if she was still alive, than Bill Gates. I have a black Lamborghini, but I don't bring it to work. People say, 'bring it to work'. But I say it is showing off. Some people haven't got a home worth the value of that car. I'm embarassed about that."

Ditto. I couldn't agree more. Often when a person reaches success, they probably will buy a nice car, then drive it to work, show it off to others even strangers, and couldn't care more of others who has helped to get there.

Ilhan's modesty is is impressive, and I certainly hope that I could grow into a person of his quality in the future.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Food Art

I got this from my friend - Y's blog. I dont know where he got it from. But who cares! Look at these, it's awesome.

One thing I am very sure of ... only in Japan.

Colleague as friend?

I tried to make H to organize a trip to Hunter Valley, but previously failed.
Sometime later...

H: Anton, can I get (work stuffs) from ya?
me: Hmm, nah I dont have it at the moment, but if you can organize the HunterValley trip, I might.
H: Ha ha ha, nah I wont do that.
me: Fine, so it goes like this huh. Friends no more...
H: LoL, you are not my friend anyway, you are my colleague.


I then smiled irritantly. I then gave H the work stuffs that he wanted (but wrong one... he he he... i am so evil)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

My first blog

I have been wanting to start blogging, but have always been delaying it as well.
This is it, from today onwards I will try to write something here whenever I can about things I encountered in my life.